Public transport in Thailand - Buses, Trains, Tuk Tuk, Airplane
Thailand has many different modes of transport which tend to come in all different shapes and sizes. These shapes and sizes are often quite different in the smaller towns and cities compared to that of Bangkok. Bangkok in actual fact has everything when it comes to transport and a great variety of the different modes of transport to meet everyone's needs. This is your easy guide to transport in Thailand. Tuk Tuk The most indigenous mode of transport in Thailand , Tuk Tuks are the famous 3-wheeled vehicles that you would have seen in many travel-related photos of Southeast Asia. You should definitely take at least one ride on a Tuk Tuk as it is quite a memorable experience that you won't find back home. At the same time it is important to note that Tuk Tuks are quite a lot more expensive than your average motorcycle taxi or Songthaew as it is a popular mode of transport for tourists. But if you can, jump aboard a Tuk Tuk at least once during your time in Thailand....